Expanding your inventory – adding a Service item

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The following topic deals with the adding of of Services items to your JGID inventory. This is essential for the creation of Quotes and automating a great deal of the process by creating a database of preconfigured components for the creation of professional quotes within shortest terms.

1. Click on the Inventory tab in the task bar and deploy the drop-down menu. Click on Services.

2. Click on the Add button

3. Enter the name of the service and all relevant attributes, such as charge unit, type of charge and description. Determine the values for the cost and sale prices, or choose a default markup percentage to add to the cost of the service, thus forming the profit value.

The Category and the Sub-Category are created using the Master Matrix. Please refer to the relevant articles about the Master Matrix in our knowledge base.

4. To add the new Service entry to the Inventory, confirm by pressing the Save button.

5. Once you press Save, a new window will pop up in which you can specify extra attributes such as the account code of the service, provided you are connected with Xero or the default tax code for the service.

6. You can add an extra layer of information to your Service item by adding a file – an image or a document relevant to the service delivered. You can also set one of the images as a thumbnail preview of the service for convenience when searching through the list of services you have added to the inventory.

For that purpose press on the Add file button, select the image you want to upload and confirm the selection. Once the image is uploaded, to set it as a thumbnail preview for the service, click on the “Set as main” button.

You can also refer to our video tutorial for extra insight on the process of adding an item to the inventory database.


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