Making a New Enquiry

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Any contact or interaction with an existing or a potential new customer can be registered into JGID as a New Enquiry. The purpose of creating the New Enquiry is to organize your CRM process and facilitate the further communication in regards to the ongoing process of delivering high quality customer service and support.

1. To make a New Enquiry, go to the JGID dashboard and click on the New Enquiry button onto your taskbar.

2. The new window that pops out is the place to enter all relevant details about the particular enquiry such as the Client name (company, private entity, institution etc.), the Contact details about the person representing the Client and the Location or the place at which your company is going to perform or deliver the services.

When working with the New Enquiry panel you will have two options to fill the required fileds.

Option 1: Provided the Client you are dealing with is an existing one, meaning this is a Client you have previously interacted with, then presumably the data you need to complete your enquiry is already into the CRM data base. To check whether you have the details preentered use the search bar below each position (Client, Contact or Loaction) to quickly check if the information needed has not been already uploaded.

Option 2: If you are receiving an enquiry from a Client you have never liaised with before, then click on the “ADD” button to create a new entry for that particular Client into the JGID CRM data base.

3. After you have populated the Client, the Contact and the Location fileds in your New Enquiry, you have several other utilities available to add extra layers of detail to your project.

Field notes: This is the place to add quick notes regarding specific details about the enquiry like client preferences about appointment or inspection dates, on-site access requirements, price range or payment terms discussion etc.

Priority: Depending on the urgency of the enquiry this is the tool that gives you the opportunity to tag the situation as either being of regular importance or a high priority assignment that needs to be attended ASAP.

Source: Here you can select the source of the New Enquiry in order to keep track of the efficiency of the different marketing and advertising tools you use on daily basis. The Source drop down menu is totally customizable.

4. Once all relevant details are populated into the New Enquiry form, click on the “SAVE” button to create the actual listing into JGID.

This is how a New Enquiry should look like at its accomplishing stage:

(To see the image in detail, right click on it and tap on “Open image in new tab”)

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