Generating the quote/job checklist

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JGID is equipped with the Checklist deployment feature, that will allow the user to create and attach to both the Quote and the Job a list of items – Instruments, Materials, Consumables, PPE as well as specify Job site Access, Environment and Location characteristics to furhter facilitate the implemenatation of the services and solutions quoted.

1. To trigger the Checklist menu, scroll below the Quote overview dashboard, locate the Checklist/JHA/Form tabs section and under the Checklist Tab (selected by default) press the Generate button:

JGID will now load the Checklist overview panel, conmprising different expandable drop down categories:

2. To specify details about the relevant category click on it and tap on the +Add    button.

3. From the drop-down menu select the relevant entry and confirm the selection by tapping on the “Add to Checklist” button.

Bear in mind, that you can have multiple selections simultaneously from the respective drop-down menu.

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