Master Matrix – Input to Output

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The Master Matrix is the multipurpose service, orchestrating the structuring, organzing and syncing of the different content elements, comprising your JGID account – either inventory items or automated texts.

Master Matrix is the backbone of the JGID platform, providing reliable and straightforward connections between separate components, thus creating an elaborate business management system, capable of monitoring all crucial aspects of the process workflow.

It is based on the concept of linking particular items to specific contents, for the purpose of which JGID introduces the Input and Output collaboration pair, meaning that you can link the items listed into the Input section to the default, textual descriptions from the Output section.

What is Input?

The Input is the place  to create the structuaral frame of your JGID inventory database.

If you want to organize your inventory items, based on a specific criteria you can create a Category for any particular group of items and further refine the classification by allocating the items from that generic group to multiple subcategories, thus facilitating the expansion of your JGID inventory data base.

When you are adding an item to the Inventory, you are prompted to select  a category and subacategory of the new entry, creating the prerequisite for further linking between separate class items like services and instruments.

What is Output?

In order to link an item to a particular description, you need first to create the contents into the Output and after you have made it available there, you can deploy the linking to the specific inventory entry listed into the Input section.

A good example of that collaboration is the creation of “Clauses” and “Provided by” text entries into the Output and their subsequent association with items or services from the inventory.

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