Changing Invoice number sequence in JGID

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Question: How do I change the default number sequence for the Invoices in JGID?

Answer: The Invoices you create with JGID have two unique index numbers!

The first one is the unique Xero reference number also known as Tax Invoice Number which is generated the moment you complete an Invoice and transfer it from Draft to Invoiced status!

The second one is the JGID reference number, attributed with the following generic numerical structure – XXXX.X.X.X or 1000.1.1.1

To learn more on the numerical Indexing and the difference between the Xero and the JGID numbering systems, have a look at the article HERE!

The JGID reference number is automatically generated and its numbering convention predetermined by the 4 digit unique index number allocated to the Opportunity the moment it is created form a New Enquiry.

The Tax Invoice number on the other hand is customisable and can be adjusted from the Invoice Settings Tab located in the Account Settings Section as displayed in the screenshot below:


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