Creating a default Clause in JGID

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To create a default Clause – or a default text specifying any prerequisites and conditions, your company refers to and demands present or absent when committing to the delivery of a particular service or an item, would require the user to edit the Master Matrix.

To do so:

1. Click on the Settings button at the top, right corner of the JGID dashboard and select Master Matrix.

2. Click on the Output Tab

3. From the drop-down menu click on Automated Quote texts and select Standard Clauses for Quotes


4. To add a new Standard or Default Clause Entry click on the Plus button  and type the title of the clause into the data entry field. When you are done, click on the Save button.

 5. To edit the description of the newly created clause, scroll down in the list of clauses and locate it.

Note that you have two Blue Edit Pen icons   The one on the left side will toggle the Clause Title edit bar, while the one on the right side will open the Description edit bar. Choose the field you need to edit and when you are satisfied with the contents, click on the save button to keep the changes.

6. If you want to delete a Clause entry, click on the Delete icon  at the right side of the entry line and confirm the command.


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