Editing a Location entry

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Editing any Location entry in your CRM data base is similar to editing the entries of the other two categories – the Clients and the Contacts categories

1. Go to CRM onto your JGID taskbar, click on it to pull the drop-down menu. Select “Locations” and click on the tab.

2. Search for the Location name by either scrolling doen through the Locations list on the dashboard or by typing either the whole name or a portion of the whole name of the Location into the searchbar on the top right side.

3. Select the relevant locations name and click on it. You will be transfered to the Location entry edit panel.  Once opened you will be able to edit all relevant entries, referring to this position including the Clients and the Contacts associated with it. For the purpose simply click on the edit pen on the right side of each detail line.  

(To see the image in detail, right click on it and tap on “Open image in new tab”)

4. Pay special attention to the Document history section, which is only accessible through the Clients category into the CRM. In this section you will conveniently get access to a brief numerical summary of all documents issued in regards to your business with this particular client. To review each document in details, simply click on one of the tabs for either the Enquiries or the Opportunities, the Quotes, the Jobs or the Invoices.

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