Job Hazard Analysis – JHA

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In order to generate the Job Hazard Analysis, aka the JHA – you would first need to generate the Job’s Checklist . To do so, under the Job Overview panel, locate the Checklist Tab and hit on the Generate button below it.

This action will deploy the Checklist’s categories – Access, Working Environment, Location, Services, Materials, Instruments, Hire, Consumables and PPE

To select a circumstance or inventory item relevant to each of those categories, click on the category name and proceed with slelecting the preferred option form the dropdown lists (for the Access, Working environment, the Location, the Services and the Hire) or from a table-like formatted list of items (for the Materials, the Instruments, the Consumables and the PPE)

Click on the Green Add button and make the relevant selections for each of the designated categories.

Once you have completed the selection, confirm the action by clicking on the “Add to Checklist” button

Note, that based on the already specified information into the Job Overview panel about the materials and the services

as well as the current Location for this particular Job (accessible via the Address tab)

JGID will auto populate some of the categories into the Checklist for this Job:

Important: The dropdown menu categories – Access, Working environment, the Location, the Services and the Hire – and the items listed in them are completely customizable and can be edited from the Input section of the Master Matrix:

Note 2: The items available for selection into the rest of the Categories are managed into the Inventory:


To proceed with the configuration of the JHA, next you have to press the Generate button, this time under the JHA tab as shown on the graphics. This will allow JGID to deploy the already organized into the Master Matrix connections between the particular hazards and the categories they have been allocated to.

Just like with the Clauses and the Provisions (By Our Company and By Others), the hazards can be created, modified, linked to Hazard Control description and evaluated by Risk and Residual Risk Levels into the Output Section of the Master Matrix. Once created and customized, these hazards can be linked or allocated to the Categories of the different Circumstances, Services and Items into the Input section of the Master Matrix. This will allow you to quickly deploy and configure your JHA document by simply selecting the relevant Circumstances, Services and Items during either the Quote or the Job Preparation stage.

To proceed with the JHA configuration, click on the blue Deploy JHA button on the right side of the JHA tab line:

In the next configuration window, specify the project’s details and the cope of work activities. Once completed click on the JHA Preview button to display the final document.


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