July’20 Feature Update

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July’20 Feature Update

Here’s what’s new:

1. Composed Items can now be invoiced when Do & Charge

2. Line Items with Actual or Billable (i.e. Worksheet or DLS) can no longer be deleted

3. Improved Help Section and relocated “Help” button

4. Client Ref number can now be edited in invoices with Status “Invoiced”

5. Client, Contact, Location displayed at all times in Quote, Job, Invoice

6. All Notes and Field Notes now have default setting “global” and carry across all versions automatically

7. Apostrophe in Title bug fixed

8. Various improvements behind the scenes

..and last but not least, finally

9. Quickbooks integration has gone live! 

– If you use Quickbooks Online, please let us know. It’s still in Beta, so we are looking for feedback & suggestions from active Users.



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