Push an invoice from JGID into Xero

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The process of pushing an invoice from JGID into XERO is an automated one. Once you have established the bidirectional connection between JGID and XERO you will have all invoices created into JGID instantaneously pushed into XERO into one of the default categories – either “Awaitning Approval” or “Awaiting Payment”, based on the preferences you have specified when configuring your XERO Add-on integration.

1.  To invoice a completed job, locate it into JGID and once you have opened it, proceed with confirming its completion by tapping on the “Job completed” function into the Management column, on the right side of the dashboard

2. Proceed to your Invoice by selecting the relevant option from the dialogue panel

3. Proceed by tapping the Invoice completed button:

There will be a short interval, while JGID is sending a record of the current invoice into your XERO account.

4. Pay attention that after the processing of the invoice is completed and its record is updated into the list of your invoices into XERO, you will have an extra number displayed into square brackets next to the unique invoice number assigned by JGID. The number of the invoice into the brackets is the number of your invoice into XERO and this is the number your customers will refer to when making payment.

Additionally to view the just created invoice into XERO, tap on the newly displayed button “View in XERO”, right under the Overview tab onto your invoice dashboard

5. When you press the View in XERO button you will be taken straight to your XERO account for a preview of the invoice.

6. To have a general summary overview of all documents you have issued into JGID and pushed into XERO, go to XERO’s dashboard select the “Accounts” tab and click on “Sales” from the deployed drop-down menu:

Click on the relevant column, depending on whatever settings you have selected when configuring the XERO API integration into JGID – either “Awaiting Approval” or “Awaiting Payment“. In this case, due to our configuration preference the invoice is into the “Awaiting Approval” category. By clicking the relevant tab you will get a summary preview of all invoices awaiting approval into XERO.

Video tutorial: Connecting JGID with XERO and syncing invoices between the two platforms.


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