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Now that the quote is approved and converted into a Job, it is already available for scheduling. From its earliest stage of Preparation, the new job is transfered to the Job queue into the Calendar and can be drag-and-dropped into a particular day of the week or the month, depending on the viewing perspective selected.

1. To access the Job Queue click the Calendar tab onto the Taskbar of your JGID account dashboard. From the newly opened screen, click on Job Queue on the right side of your Calendar screen.

2. From the Job Queue, simply drag and drop the desired Job panel into the date box you want to schedule it to.

3. If you want to take a Job, back to the Job queue, click on it and from the newly opened window, click again on the “To Queue” button.

4. An alternative method you can use along with the the Drag&Drop feature is the “Assign Job” option that can be accessed directly from the Calendar Panel. Select the date you want to book the Job for and click once on the white background field! Select the “Assign Job” tab and once you have switched to it, type the Job number or the Client name in the Search field. Next click on the listing of your choice and from the Staff Dropdown menu select the workers you want to allocate to this assignement. Finally complete the scheduling by clicking on the green “Assign Job” button.

Note: If you have a Job duration longer than the one day time-frame, you can click on the date cell the Job is intended to commence on and then hold the left button while at the same time moving the cursor rightwards to select a longer job duration period at once. Once you have selected the desired time-frame you can proceed with the rest of the scheduling process as described above!

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